Saturday, August 6, 2011


Check out the new Miro Roundup forum by clicking the FORUM button under the blog banner. Have a read of my latest post and let me know what you think.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I've got good news for you my Miro mates, I had a vision today, a close encounter if you will......... (insert dream flash back music) I was walking through a green field, there were flying sheep and dancing ducks all around, the sky was a deep shade of purple and all the tree's seemed to be swaying together as if to music, suddenly a voice from above whispered to me through the wind 'Give them an extension, give them an extension'. At first I though the voice wanted me to send you all extension cords but after further thought I realized it wanted me to extend this fortnights word for another week! So thanks to the powers that be you now have another wonderful week to assemble your fabulous HOBBY illo's, I cant wait to collect the whole set!

PS if you get a random extension cord in the mail I had nothing to do with it......

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spoilt Rotten (and loving it)

Don't you just love all the SPOILT illustrations we have here at the Miro Roundup!? I want them! I want them now! (sorry still trying to let my inner spoilt brat go;). We also have a shiny new word to stomp your feet over, remember kids, if you nag your parents long enough they will buy it for you!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Music To My Ears

Hope you have your dancing shoes on my Miro friends becasue we have four toe tappingly good illustrations to show you this week! Thanks so much to Haylea for coming up with such an inspiring word! Don't forget to check out this fortnights new word (posted on the right) and feel free to comment on this post.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Word and New Widget

Hi again Miro gang, as you can see I have been having a bit of fun with some countdown widgets, this handy little guy (to your right) will tell you how long you have until the next new word and if you wave your mouse over it the date you need to post your current illustrations on will also appear! modern technology hey, what can't they do!? I have also added a little note telling everyone what the current word is just above the countdown. So as you can see this weeks word is brought to us by the letter H (for Haylea! x) Thanks lovely, this one should be good, check the countdown for the due date;)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

HOLIDAY work and new word!

Just a quick post to show you all our HOLIDAY illustrations. If you have one you would like to share just add the link to the comments. For this fortnights word I thought I might get some suggestions from the crowd. So how about it my legue of illustrators? what word are you just dying to illustrate but never had the guts to ask for? This is your chance, post your suggestions by saturday and I will announce the new word Sunday morning.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Its been a very busy few weeks, but salvation is just around the corner in the form of chocolate and public holidays! who could ask for anything more? well, me! but nothing drastic, all I request is an tiny little illustration, even a sketch, or a thumb print! if you can find the time between holiday cheer and eating chocolate bunnies it would make my Easter;) so just for fun this fortnights word is HOLIDAY, have a great one!

Post your links in the comments before the 4th May, I should have all those chocolate calories burnt off by then.......right?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back on the Wagon

Well! where have you been Miro Roundup? it seems all this illustrating business got the better of us and we fell off the old wagon for awhile! Now they say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem so here it goes.........'Hi, my name is Rebekah and I have been neglecting my blog, its been three weeks since my last post' (then you say 'Hi Rebekah!'). But chin up my fellow travelers I have gathered up the horses, changed the wagon wheels (mmm wagon wheels) and am propped up on top ready to ride once again! yeeeeha!

Thank you Nick for being the only one (including me) who manage to get an illo done for our DREAM word, love the new style by the way. If you have a dream illo on the way and do not want to give up on it just post the link when your done and ill add it to Nick's. For those of you that need a brand spanking new word to get those juices flowing wrap your brains around this one 'SPACE'. At the risk of giving away my tendencies for sci fi (nerds are in this season!) remember its up to you how you interpret this lager than life word, live long and prosper people!

oh and lets make this one due on the 19th of April so as to ease ourselves back in........

Sunday, March 13, 2011

HUNTING and new word

Thanks so much to Naomi for her spooky yet endearing 'Sky Shark', love it! I know there maybe some late hunting illustrations still to come so just post a link when your done and I will add them to blog.

Now for this weeks new word! I thought long and hard about this one, I wanted a word that would make one jump from their desktops, grab the nearest drawing implement and illustrate like they have never illustrated before! So I thought to myself "what motivates me?" several things came to mind (including chocolate....) but really what motivates me are my hopes and dreams for myself, so thats it, the word of the week is DREAM. I hope this word inspires you no matter what your dreams may be (oh I can hear the violins;) x

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Be vewy vewy quiet.........

Grab your clubs fellow fearless miro hunters, like the cave men (and women) that came before us we are on the hunt. lets whack an idea over the head, drag it back to our caves and turn it into a delicious miro illustration full of protein! post the links to your kill in the comments and on Friday I shall cut their heads off and mount them on the blog wall for all to cower at "honestly it was this big!"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Word of the Week

I hope no one minds but I just had to post the latest hairy entries directly to the blog. Thank you so much Naomi and Flick your work is amazing!!!!

Now everyone get your thinking caps on because this weeks miro word of the week comes direct to you from the Collins Concise English Dictionary (third edition) and my right pointer fingure, it is............HUNTING! now I know this may not sit to well with the vegetarians among us but lets remember there are all sorts of different things to go hunting for in this crazy world of ours.

'Be vewy vewy qwiet, im hunting illustrators' (forgive me, I had to do it!)

P.S. lets make this one due on the 10th March x

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Howdy all, how's about we extend our hairy word challenge till Monday 28th Feb! this gives us all plenty more time to get to work on our illustrations! I know they are gonna be great! xx

Monday, February 14, 2011

And the Winner is....

Congratulations cowgal Haylea! your banner was the most wanted in the west and now takes pride of place at the head of our bolg! Thanks so much for all your hard work.

Now for our first word of the week (drumroll please) our word this week is.............HAIR

oh yes long beautiful hair, shining, gleaming, shoulder length or longer, give me a head of hair!

There are no rules, illustrate whatever comes to those bright young minds, no need to include the word in your work but you can if you wish. Post a link to your hair inspired work next wednesday 23rd Feb (but keep your head lice to yourself!;)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Howdy Partner!

This weeks challenge is to create the most root'n toot'n Blog banner in this here county. It Must have the title 'Miro Roundup' in it and be 130px height x 660px wide, but other than that its all up to you cowboys and cowgirls! Post your banner (by leaving a link to it in the comments for this post) by Feb 9th and we'll put it to an old fashioned vote (the loser cleans out the spittoon!) good luck.