Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Word and New Widget

Hi again Miro gang, as you can see I have been having a bit of fun with some countdown widgets, this handy little guy (to your right) will tell you how long you have until the next new word and if you wave your mouse over it the date you need to post your current illustrations on will also appear! modern technology hey, what can't they do!? I have also added a little note telling everyone what the current word is just above the countdown. So as you can see this weeks word is brought to us by the letter H (for Haylea! x) Thanks lovely, this one should be good, check the countdown for the due date;)


  1. Loving the widgets! And the countdown... No pressure or anything!

    I think I'll get more involved again when I've got all my Zeera stuff out of the way. I get distracted really easily!

  2. BEK!!!!
    you are simply MAGICAL!! this looks amazing!
    I'm so sorry i havn't been as illustration-posting happy as i'd like to be! but i promise this time i will!! i hope the word is ok!
    you are so so amazing! thank you for doing all of this!!

  3. I got in early! here is my submission

  4. Here is my Melodic offering, hope it makes you wanna dance!;)

    Jazz Man
